What's new Release Details

Better help system and SEO options

Posted by Vidar Eldoy on December 14, 2013

Today we deployed a few new features and fixes:

  • Better inline help and updated docs. Click the orange question marks to reveal detailed information.
  • RSS feed for sites. The RSS feed displays a list of your latest campaigns. It can be subscribed to by users with an RSS feed reader and used for marketing purposes. Read more about it in the admin -> Configuration -> Sitemap & RSS feed section.
  • Meta Description fields are now available for the site (admin -> Site -> Edit Settings -> Meta Description) and the pages (admin -> Pages -> Meta Description field). Campaigns will have the headline as meta description set automatically. Although it does nothing to your page rank, the Meta Description field is what users see in Google under the search result, and may help them decide to click the link to your page. Spend time writing good meta descriptions for each page and you'll probably see an increase in traffic and a reduced bounce rate. More SEO options are underway too, so watch out for that.
