CrowdfundHQ New Design
We've redone the whole admin interface, adding styles, logo, icons, colors and new functionality. Jerry's been working hard on making the design beautiful, clean and responsive, and it should now look and feel even better on the desktop as well as on a smaller device.
This is the lowdown:
NEW Responsive Design! Check out the logo, the colors, the feel. Every page is new.
Messages! You site's users can now communicate with each other. There is now a "Send message" button on the campaign page and in the user profile. You can access your "Inbox" from the user menu drop down on your site when logged in. The messages are sorted by conversation, and it's easy to respond to and manage them from there. Each new message or reply also sends an email to the other user.
3 new languages added: Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese.
3 new emails available for customization: Campaign Successful, Campaign Reminder and New Message. The emails now have a bigger editor field and less noise as they are managed from a sidebar.
Coupon module for upgrades! Watch out for coupons and special offers.
New inline help system! Orange question mark buttons in the Configuration and Design tab reveal info about each option when clicked.
The max number of Files in the Files tab has been doubled from 50 to 100.
Lots of smaller fixes that include fixes for Internet Explorer and Bitcoin payments.
User search now supports filters for campaigners and contributors.
Built-in export of current search and lots more coming soon!