What's new Release Details

Custom form fields and speed upgrades

Posted by Vidar Eldoy on November 25, 2014

Custom form fields
You can now collect extra information from users by adding extra fields to the user signup, campaign create and contribution forms. Go to Manage Site > Forms to try it out. Be aware that adding required fields will trigger error messages if not filled in by the user.

Server upgrades
As we're seeing more and more people using the platform, we are also seeing an increase in traffic and memory usage. Because of that, we've now upgraded all software to their latest versions, and added more servers behind the load balancers to give you a faster and more stable experience. We will soon upgrade to new generation servers with high performance SSD disks and higher bandwidth as well. More on this later.

Require rewards and commitments
We've added new options to require users to create rewards and commitments in order to submit their campaigns. Go Manage Site > Configuration > General > Campaign Rewards / Commitments > check Required to enable.

Upload Thumbnails
The Files section now generates thumbnails of images to make it load faster. The upload limits have been fixed to reflect the tier you are on.
