What's new Release Details

Re-introducing Adaptive Payments, Better Documentation and Non-profit Discounts

Posted by Vidar Eldoy on June 20, 2014

Due to popular demand, we're re-introducing Paypal and Wepay adaptive/pre-approved payments as of today. Adaptive payments opens for new possibilities in terms of disbursing funds. The main difference is that money doesn't go to your account, but goes directly to the campaigner upon capture. The only money you receive is the platform fee, which now can be set manually from Configuration > Payments > Platform Fee.

All contributions using pre-approved payments must be captured via the "Capture" button found in the Campaigns > Campaign Details contribution list. Any pre-approved payments has a validity of max 90 days, so make sure you capture the funds before they expire. Automatic capture for Keep-it-all campaigns is coming in a future release.

There are some drawbacks though, read more about Adaptive payments vs. Direct payments here.

Our documentation has been updated and is a lot easier to use. We've updated our Getting Started Guide with more information and easy to follow steps. If you are setting up your site, please make sure you follow the steps outlined there to get the most out of your crowdfunding site.

We've also included two guides meant to help shape your vision and set up your strategy, Building your own crowdfunding business and Succeeding in Non-Profit Crowdfunding. Both are downloadable as pdf's.

At the same time, we're announcing that non-profits will now get a 20% discount with CrowdfundHQ. If your site is a non-profit and could use a helping hand, just send us a message and we'll initiate the application process. The discount will come into effect once we've reviewed and approved your site.

Happy crowdfunding!
