What's new Release Details

Wysiwyg editor with built-in uploads

Posted by Vidar Eldoy on March 10, 2014

We've finally finished our wysiwyg editor and toolbar. Creating nicely formatted campaigns is now a breeze. It's based on wysihtml5, is reasonably light weight, and produces very nice HTML. It allows you to see the formatting as you type, and has a built in upload button for images. The editor is available for site users when creating campaigns and updates.

CrowdfundHQ wysiwyg

Since it's brand new, the editor is not enabled by default. You can enable it by un-checking the "Use HTML/markdown editor on site" option in the Design tab -> View Options. Check it out, it's awesome.

Existing campaigns won't be able to use it since the new editor doesn't understand markdown formatting.

Also check out the docs about embedding content and image upload resizing, it all works with the new editor.

Today's update also includes short URLs for campaigns. Click the Embed link below the campaign video/image on the campaign details page to see it. The short URL makes it easier to share the campaign link with others.
