Froala text editor and new campaign reports
It's time for another update, here are the features we've released the last few weeks:
Froala text editor
You can now use the Froala wysiwyg editor on your site. This is a beautiful commercial editor that comes with many new features, and is now the default for new sites. We've created a howto here for existing sites if you want to upgrade. The option is found in Manage Site > Configuration > Settings > General > Text Editor.
Campaign reports with new formats
The reports in Manage Site > Campaign details have now been updated and made available to your users. While logged in as a campaign owner on your site, click on your campaign and go to "Stats". From there click on the "View report" button. You can choose JSON, PDF or CSV formats for your campaign reports as well as the default HTML.
Full screen editing and search
Developing with CrowdfundHQ just became a lot more fun. We've added full screen editing and a file search for keyboard navigation. First go to Manage Site > Design, then click the full screen icon or Ctrl/Cmd + Enter to open the editor in full screen.
Click the looking glass icon or press the keyboard short cut Ctrl/Cmd + E to bring up a file switcher for your pages, emails, scripts and styles. Type as you narrow down with the fuzzy matcher and use the arrow keys and enter to navigate. Press Esc to close the dialog.
Also remember that you can save your edits with Ctrl/Cmd + S.
Embed menu
The campaign embed dialog has been added to Manage Site > Campaigns > Campaign details, just click the drop-down and then the "Embed" link.
Private campaigns
The embed dialog has a new Private URL field in Manage Site. The new key parameter lets you view a campaign which would normally not be visible, and can be used for sharing draft campaigns or campaigns that normally require login.
Contact form extra fields
You can now add extra form fields to the contact form found at /contact on your site. Go to Manage Site > Configuration > Fields to set it up.
Changes in email setup
If you are using your own domain name and haven't added the email DNS entries yet, emails will stop working. This is due to a security update on the mail servers, and will also improve the deliverability of emails. Go to Manage Site > Dashboard > Domains to find your email entries. Here are the docs.
Other fixes:
- Wepay has been updated to the newest version. Log into Wepay and upgrade the API version for your account, and then go to Manage Site and edit your payment gateway configuration for Wepay, select the 2016 version from the drop down.
- Wepay now has support for Canadian dollars and British pounds, also works for the old version.
- Campaign updates now have a Publish and a Retract button, and the form is in a dialog so your users can be more comfortable when writing updates.
- The campaign goal can no longer be changed for campaigners even if the campaigns are set to always be editable.
- The campaign short URLs are now even shorter, we've removed the /c in front.
- Caching and speed internally has been improved to serve your campaigns faster than ever.