Maintenance release with a few more options
Posted by
Vidar Eldoy
May 18, 2015
New configuration options
- You can now log in as a site user by going to Manage Site > Campaign > Select your campaign > click Log in as. The same if possible from Manage Site > Users > Select your user > Log in as. This will give you complete control over any user account in case you need to change something on behalf of the user.
- A new OPEN button has been added to Campaigns in Manage Site > Campaigns and Campaign details. Clicking the OPEN button in will close contributions for this campaign, but still keep it open. All campaigns will be OPEN by default when you approve a campaign.
- Lots more data when exporting. Since some sites can have a lot of data, export is now delivered via email. There is a new export option for contributions if you go to Manage Site > Campaigns > Export > select Contributions. CSV is recommended for this option, and should be compatible with MS Excel.
- Updated Google Login. Since Google deprecated parts of their API, all account owners should check if their Google Login setup is still functioning. Here's how to set it up: Google Login Setup
- All pages are now either HTML or Markdown, there are radio buttons under the main text area in Manage Site > Pages > Select your page. Markdown is default.
- You can now redirect the root page to another URL on your site or somewhere else on the Internet. This is useful if you only have one campaign, or if you have changed your domain name, but want to keep your search engine rating. The redirects are 301 permanent.
Go to Manage Site > Configuration > Settings > Redirect URL to set it up.
Other additions
- Optional default image option for campaigns (when image or video is not yet set) in Manage Site > Configuration > General > Campaign Default Image.
- Option for letting users edit their campaign even after the campaign has been submitted in Mange Site > Configuration > General > View Options > Campaigns always editable.
- Empty text fields on top of each form. Go to Mange Site > Design > Content > search for "intro text" to add some text on top of one of the forms in the system.
- Stripe payments now has support for 100+ currencies. Go to Manage Site > Configuration > Payments > Edit > Stripe configuration > Currency and choose your currency and Save to set it up.